
Accelerating Growth
Coaching is the professional service we offer to businesses, individuals, entrepreneurs, sports people, and is applied in many situations. Generally, we are here to support the client as they are work towards their objectives. We believe that the relationship should move you along your journey in a faster and considered way. This might involve looking at goals, strengths and limitations, providing guidance and sometimes expertise in a certain field like business strategy, leadership, decision making and overall effectiveness.
One thing for certain is that a good coach should accelerate the client’s progress towards their goals.
Offering high quality coaching support when you or your business are ready for it, in an environment that is both supportive, challenging and reassuring.
We understand we are dealing with individuals. The coaching behaviours alter as a result – are adapted………tailored to you.
The first step, is to find out exactly what it is you are looking for and need. You don’t have to choose one niche area of coaching……but you can if you wish and here’s why.
Work - Home - Health

Our “performance” at home is influenced by what happens at work.
Our “performance” at work is influenced by what happens at home.
Both are influenced by our health – physical and mental.
They all interact and we know that if we identify issues in one area then it’s like to impact on another.
Therefore, if invited to, we offer a blended approach to coaching rather than you selecting one niche area. But it is entirely your choice.
Through an initial consultation, we collaborate in establishing what it is you want and need.
Business Coaching

Here are some reasons why we are being asked by customers to be their coaches:
- "we are a business start up and need support in pulling together a Business Plan for a grant application."
- "we're looking for a 'critical friend' to listen to us and check and challenge our thinking"
- "we need someone to help us look at the business as we grow"
- "we just don't seem to have any time to focus on the business"
Personal Coaching
Individuals seeking coaching support outside of business is becoming more popular. Whether it’s titled “Life Coaching” or “Transformational Coaching” it means one thing. An individual is going on a journey and one would suggest that where effective coaching happens, transformation is an outcome.
Over the years we have worked with a range of individuals on their personal journey’s. One was questionning why she was working for two different companies and was totally unhappy as a result. She has since re-trained and is now working very happily in the counselling sector.
Another wanted to have a career in a specific market sector. Through conversation and discussing options she ended up moving city, taking a full time job and was able to fund her new future career doing the things she loved doing. After five years she has returned to university and is re-training in the area she wanted to.
Wherever you want to go, do feel free to get in touch.

Coaching People

Over the years we have all seen performance improvement. This place may have been at work, at home, pitch side, track side – wherever.
What helps that development and change in performance is where our experience comes in.
Your interests may lie in continuing your development and evolution as a manager at work, being a professional coach, a trainer or perhaps a volunteer parent helping with your child’s football team.
We’ve been happy to support all of these roles over the years. Listening and ensuring that however you want to develop, that we support you in that ambition.
Helping coaches develop as coaches over the years has formed the backbone of our experience. We are proud to have been able to educate, develop, grow – whatever words you choose to use – thousands of coaches and leaders. One of our most successful projects was undertaking this roll in nine developing countries worldwide.
If you’re looking to re-assure yourself about how you operate as a coach, or have identified something you want to develop, but need that little bit of support to help make it happen – do get in touch.
Development of people has been high on our agenda for many, many years.
Whether it be the development of leaders, of managers, of trainers, or staff, individuals or business owners – moving to a higher level of performance can address limitations. Learning and evolving are inherently enjoyable when you can work and play “in the zone” – our development of courses and their structure will naturally allow people to learn – human performance at its purest.
Training can take many forms. As preferred learning styles is probably a thing of the past, what we can definitely say is there are many ways to learn. So much information being broadcast to us all of the time through differing mediums.
We might be wanting to share information, tell someone how to do something, illustrate how it can be done, check peoples understanding. Whatever it is the training is about, professional coaching really supports it all. Afterall, coaching was historically around developing athlete’s physical development and performance. It was called “training” for those doing the work and “coaching” for those overseeing it.

If you are looking for some development of yourself or others, do get in touch.
We have developed year-long multi media training courses, short courses, courses run face to face, courses run online and in one instance a course run face to face with eight different nationalities and four simultaneous translators.
Our latest is a workshop about self-doubt or as many people are experiencing it – Imposter Syndrome – we look at how to minimise its impact.
Contact us today to explore what training requirements you or your company has. We were able to eliminate a company paying out £000’s in compensation as a result of implementing a company-wide culture shift and training program.
If there is one area where we do specialise it is in the understanding and application of Feedback. Whether this is in the workplace, pitchside or in home life, the ability to ensure meaningful and precise is an art. So whether you are looking to give feedback or potentially more importantly, generate feedback, do get in touch.